When you purchase a product at a store, you expect it to be safe. Most merchandise has been tested and approved by government agencies. However, thousands of people are injured by products every year and must file liability claims against manufacturers, sellers, and distributors.
Some of the most common product liability claims in Travers City, Michigan involve items that are used every day. They involve design flaws, manufacturing errors, and insufficient warnings. These items can harm people by causing minor injuries up to death, in the worst-case scenarios.
Automotive Defects
Automotive defects are flaws or errors in the design, manufacturing, or marketing of a vehicle that can potentially cause accidents or injuries. Here are some of the most common types of automotive defects:
Faulty Seatbelt Design
Airbag Defects
Tire Defects
Defective Electronics
Fuel System Defects
Brake Defects
Steering Defects
Roof Crush Defects
Electrical System Defects
Improper Assembly
Faulty Welding
Contaminants in Components
Additionally, many automotive product liability claims involve lack of adequate warnings about potential dangers. Manufacturers may fail to warn consumers about known risks associated with their vehicles.
Medical Devices
A defective medical device is one that fails to perform as intended, causing harm to a patient. Over the years, numerous medical devices have been recalled or subject to lawsuits due to defects. Some of the most common include:
Hip Implants
Knee Implants
Transvaginal Mesh
Drug-Eluting Stents
Surgical Mesh
Defective medical devices are often identified and recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If your medical device is recalled or fails, you should immediately contact your doctor as well as a defective medical device lawyer.
Dangerous Drugs
Dangerous drugs are substances that can cause harm to the body and mind, leading to addiction, overdose, and other serious health problems. These drugs can be legal or illegal, prescription or non-prescription. Some of the most common dangerous drugs that are prescribed to patients include:
Blood Thinners
Diabetes Medications
Heart Medications
Pain Medications
It's important to note that these are just a few examples, and there are many other categories of dangerous and defective prescription drugs.
Defective Consumer Products
Consumer products are items purchased by individuals for personal use or consumption. They range from everyday necessities like food and clothing to more complex items like electronics and appliances. Here are some common examples of defective consumer products that can lead to injuries or property damage:
Defective Electronics
Dangerous Toys
Faulty Appliances
Defective Children’s Products
Unsafe Cleaning Chemicals
Improperly Labeled Pesticides
Many children are the victims of defective consumer products, which can cause serious and life-threatening injuries. There are attorneys who focus on product liability claims associated with consumer products. They can help you get the compensation you need after an injury to you, your child, or someone else you love.
Unsafe Chemicals
Unsafe chemicals are substances that can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment. They can be found in a variety of products, including household cleaners, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and even some cosmetics. Here are some examples of unsafe chemicals:
Household Chemicals
Cleaning Agents
Industrial Chemicals
Unsafe chemicals are often labeled improperly or fail to have appropriate warnings on them. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) controls most chemicals in the United States. If you are harmed by a dangerous chemical, you should report it to the EPA and consult with a product liability attorney right away.
Defective Cosmetics
Defective cosmetics can lead to various skin reactions, allergies, and even long-term health problems. Here are some examples of defective cosmetics:
Contaminated Cosmetics
Chemically Unstable Cosmetics
Cosmetics with Harmful Ingredients
Mislabeled or Misrepresented Cosmetics
It's important to be aware of these potential hazards and to choose cosmetics from reputable brands. Always check the ingredients list and avoid products with known harmful chemicals. If you experience any adverse reactions after using a cosmetic product, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.
How Can a Traverse City Product Liability Attorney Help Me?
A product liability lawyer can provide assistance in many ways if you’ve been injured in Traverse City.
They Can Evaluate Your Case
They will determine if the product was defective and if the manufacturer or seller is liable for your injuries. They will calculate the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.
They Can Gather Evidence and Investigate
They will gather evidence to support your claim, such as accident reports, medical records, and expert witness testimony. They will ensure that important evidence is preserved, such as the defective product itself or its components.
They Will Negotiate with Insurance Companies
They will negotiate with insurance companies to obtain fair compensation for your injuries. They will ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the full amount of compensation you deserve.
They Can File a Lawsuit
They will draft and file all necessary legal documents, including complaints, motions, and briefs. They will represent you in court and argue your case before a judge and jury.
They Can Secure a Fair Settlement for You
They will negotiate with the defendant's insurance company to reach a fair settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached, they will prepare your case for trial.
By hiring a Traverse City product liability attorney, you can increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries and hold responsible parties accountable.
Contact a Traverse City Product Liability Lawyer at MichiganLawsuit.com
Have you ever been injured by a product? If so, you may have a product liability claim. An experienced Traverse City product liability attorney can help you understand your legal options and guide you through a claim.
Contact MichiganLawsuit.com to speak with a lead attorney about your case. We offer free consultations so you can decide how to move forward without any financial risk.